Join Us in Cultivating Inner Radiance Together

Our Vision
Unite women worldwide to support each other and create accessible services for thriving and evolution. We envision a true women's tribe, where real connection and encouragement happen. This opens the possibility for resilience, authenticity, and empowerment for us all. It includes doing the inner-work personally and collectively, healing the sister wound, restore trust so that a powerful female (re-)union is possible.
We rise to the top together and reach our radiant potential.

Where the System Fails Us, We Have Each Other's Back

Join Our Community

Our platform serves as a collective of different services with various approaches for the evolution of women. We are reaching out to all the Women out there: Spaceholders, Edgeworkers, Changemakers, Teachers, Healers, Entreprenors, Artists and Creatives to join forces and provide their services on our platform. By sharing our skills, collaborating and tapping into our innate collective wisdom, we are sourcing more possibilities for a better world and especially for those of us in vulnerable situations.
We believe that healing and transformation are a human right, and not a luxury, and we are ready to address this issue.

When our sisters are vulnerable, when they are giving birth to new life, new ideas, new ministries, new spaces, when they are under attack, when they need their people to surround them so they can create, deliver, heal, recover… we get in formation. We close ranks and literally have each others’ backs. There is no community like a women community.
~jen Hatmaker, The Elephant Story
Collective Transformation
Beside the opportunity of bringing forth our skills and gifts and make ourselves visible, the platform also includes a calendar with a variety of collaborative workshops, trainings and worktalks both online and offline. These are opportunities for us to connect and learn from each other, and together to catalyze inner and collective profound transformation, healing, and support. We aim to touch all the burning topics of today - how can we collaborate effectively, how can we serve and support one another, how can we have the crucial conversations that needs to be addressed, how to navigate our feelings and emotions,how can we heal and connect with our bodies and sensuality in an empowerd way, how can we stop the self sabotaging strategies and move beyond, towards a more fulfilled and in alingment with who we are today, as women.

Spaceholding: Coaching and Guidance

Individual Coaching
We are creating and holding a safe container for you to reconnect with your own nature - from somatic bodywork, breathwork, conscious feeling, emotional integrations, and sensuality to therapeutical arts, intuitive writing, storytelling and astro-herbalism.

Collaborative Events, Festivals and retreats
Online and Offline
Explore our calendar of online and offline workshops, work talks, and gatherings. These great opportunities to meet each other, connect, heal and learn from each other.
Looking forward to seeing you there.

Connect with us
Join our global community
participate in our workshops
discover the transformative power of collective empowerment